April 10, 2012


 We had some church friends over for Easter brunch in honor of our 2:00pm church and had a lovely time. (I kind of went overboard on the hot cross buns as we still have over a dozen left over...that was after pawning some off to the neighbors.)
After breakfast we had our 1st Annual Easter Egg Roll (apparently when two hard boiled eggs roll towards each other on a track only one egg will break).  Each guest brought a hard boiled egg to compete but one of our good friends didn't realize the importance of hard boiled.  It was a bit of a mess...but quite hilarious. 

I am determined to make Easter as joyful as Christmas, but still figuring out how to do so.  We started the day listening to the Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah, and enjoyed enjoyed spending time with friends, eating good food, and relishing the beautiful spring weather.  Then we put Esther in her "new" dress and went to church.  The Easter program was lovely.  The choir was small but thanks to lots of rehearsals and a great director, the songs came together really well.  Chris was one of the speakers and have a thoughtful talk on the personal implications of the atonement. I was in and out with a nap deprived Esther and so wish I could have recorded the entire talk because it was beautiful.  He began talking about Christ's injunction to us to "take up our cross and follow" Him, in other words, being willing to suffer the most humiliating and shameful experience imaginable for Christ's sake.  But then, (referencing Elder Bednar) he discussed the enabling power of the atonement which strengthens us beyond our natural ability.  Drawing the connection that we will be able to bear those crosses because Christ will give us the strength to do so by the power of the atonement.   He ended with the reminder that it is a happy Easter--because Christ lives.  

Easter Pictures

 This is how pictures taking went...Esther running away

daddy holding her back

Esther resisting being held back

mommy restraining Esther

 Happy Easter to all!  


  1. Ok I love your dining room! I think I love your whole house, that is from pictures... My dream home will probably have similar color schemes. In fact what wall color is on your walls in your dining room? I'm thinking of doing that color in Bristol's big girl room and accenting with bright pink... I would do red, but then it probably wouldn't feel like a little girl room.
    I love these Easter pictures of Esther. It makes me so badly want to bring Bristol all the way there just so they can play together! What a cutie!

  2. I love this! Beautiful. This makes me wish we were neighbors! And the yoga pose picture made me laugh out loud.:)

  3. hey! i recognize that manly black apron!!
