March 26, 2011

A Letter for Grandma and Grandpa

Hi Grandma and Grandpa! 

This is your newest grandchild Esther.  Since you live SO far away  in Arizona and Russia, and you don't get to see me nearly as often as you should, I thought I would tell you about me (with some help from momma).  

  • I am 8 weeks and 2 days old
  • Mom needs to realize that I'm much too big for 0-3 month clothes.  They make my diapers uncomfortably high.  I much prefer the 3-6 month outfits, as I'm sure would anyone.
  • I've recently mastered my smiling abilities.  Mostly I smile after I eat a delicious meal or wake from a lovely sleep.  Sometimes I smile for mom and dad to make them happy. 
  • I still know how to stick out my tongue, which I manage to do most of the time.
  • I like to suck on my fist
  • Mom and I are having a disagreement.  You see, mom thinks I still need to sleep all swaddled tight, burrito style.  But I am much to old for such things.  My favorite way to sleep is with my arms outstretched above my head, or one arm sticking up in the air.  Maybe mom will let me have my way once I learn to stop hitting myself in the face when I'm sleepy.
  • When I wake up from my naps I have to spend several minutes doing my tricks.  First I kick one leg, then both legs, then my arms start moving too.  Pretty soon my whole body is wiggling and I make this face where I raise my eyebrows and pucker my lips because I'm concentrating.
  • Even though I like to look around the room and kick my arms and legs, I still love to snuggle mom and dad before I fall asleep.  I wish I could always be held during my naps, but mommy doesn't allow it.
  • I know how to grunt and snort while I sleep.  Mom and dad make me sleep down the hall in my own room, but I like to make sure they can still hear me.  Sometimes in my sleep... I snore. 
I sure miss you and hope to see you soon.  Here are some pictures of me so you'll know what I look like next time I see you.  

With love,
Baby Esther Olivia


  1. Oh, too sweet! Look at that precious little smile. Baby Esther Auntie Amber loves you!!!

    What a cute write up. You are awesome =). Love you all!!!

  2. I'm planning my next trip to come and visit you little baby Esther. When can I come see you?

  3. So I started out laughing and then quickly turned to sobbing--I'm sorry --I just miss her and all of you so much!! Thank you though--it was so sweet. Tell her Grandma and Grandpa love her so so much

  4. We love you grandma! Can't wait to see you again... and meet grandpa!

  5. Bob here: Dearest Lizzy, this is such a treasure. Thank you. Verweile doch. Du bist so schoen.
