January 29, 2012

Esther is One!

happy birthday Esther dear!  

words to describe your one year old self:  
happy happy happy
crazy crazy
You have been in our family for only a year but it feels like we've always been friends. 

Aunt Ginny lives next door and is the BEST neighbor.  Esther loves when she comes to visit...especially when she wears fun necklaces. 

Esther got her own mini cake

                                    Aunt Ginny's 82nd Birthday is in 3 days so we had a double party. 
 Chocolate cake (gluten free!) with strawberry ice cream smothered in a ganach. Mmmm

She loves Chocolate and Ice Cream...a girl after my own heart

We love you!

January 24, 2012

New Beginnings like you've never seen it before....ever.

Every year the Young Woman's program in my church is supposed to have an activity where we introduce incoming girls, talk about the annual theme, and get motivated to set and achieve goals. It's called New Beginnings, and these activities can often be bland, and rather tedious.  Not so in the Durham 2nd ward.  We went a little bit crazy with the Dr. Seuss theme "Oh the Places You'll Go."  Who doesn't love Dr. Seuss, right?   

Here is the group's president...aka the Cat in the Hat.  
The leaders dressed up as Things, the Cat in the Hat, a Who, and the Grinch's dog Max (you have to look hard to see the antlers).  I do love these women and am so lucky to work with them. 
What is Young Women's without gourmet refreshments?
We went to lots of places that night. We began in Whoville, then we were off to the Jungle of Nool, then to the One Fish Two Fish Pond, and then back to Whoville.  It was quite a night.
I was "Sister C." from Whoville and introduced the Young Women's theme and Personal Progress values
Did you know Truffula trees grow in Durham?  Now you do. 
These trees were donated to the Durham County public library because they were too awesome to toss.


I think I've crossed some sort of threshold...we buy eggs by the flat. Welcome to motherhood.  Can't wait till we have the money/space to own chickens again.  I miss them. 

My sister-in-law Amber made this for me for Christmas using a piece of molding and vintage knobs.  My necklaces don't get tangled anymore and I just love it!  Thanks Amber! 

This is what happens when miss E. eats avocado.  Grandma calls it an avocado facial.  Very good for the skin and very messy.

January 17, 2012

Kitchen and Bath

Why redo a kitchen once when you could redo it twice?
(and we wonder why I was a wreck)
Kitchen - Before
Kitchen - Before
Waiting for a dishwasher!!!!!
Remodel #1 verdict: better but still not great

Remodel #2

Final Product (almost)
Remaining work includes: redo baseboards, repaint 2 doors, put in thresholds,  putty and paint window casing, seal backsplash.

This kitchen got some major additions that many would deem essential: like a microwave and dishwasher.  Never again will I go a year without you.

 Other things I love about this kitchen include: enormous farmhouse sink (Ikea), enormous fridge with freezer on bottom,  granite counters, wood floors, cabinets that go almost to the ceiling, cabinet doors that  do not look like an early 90's mistake, etc
Remodel #2

Bathroom Remodel

Rotting Bathroom Floor - can we say "mold"? 

Bathroom in Construction
Bathroom finally finished

January 13, 2012

Away 3 Weeks

Our Christmas vacation began a bit differently than we expected.  Chris's grandpa Crittenden passed away the week before Christmas and we (thanks to Delta) were able to move our flights up in order to make it to Utah for the funeral.   It was good time to be together and appreciate what a dedicated and patient man Grandpa was.  The hardest part was seeing Grandma say goodbye to her husband of  around 60 years.  Grandma came back to Arizona to spend Christmas with us, and it was heartbreaking to see the pain in her face and hear the emptiness in her voice.  That's a trial I never want to experience.  Chris and I simply need to die on the same day and that's the end of if.

Despite it's beginning, Christmas still managed to be lovely.  Chris's house is the best place to be in December...sunshine, soft green grass, fresh citrus outside, amazing food courtesy of his amazing mom, and lots of fun games courtesy of his competitive siblings, and even some rock climbing.  All in all it was the sort of relaxing and fun break that we  have been needing.  Esther loves her grandma, and after some trips out to feed the chickens, she even warmed right up to Grandpa (she tends to be wary of men),  and LOVED playing with her cousins Bristol and James.  Or rather, taking James' toys and stealing food from Bristol's tray. Lots of familial love. 

Christmas Morning at Grandma's house

Definitely my cutest baby

After Christmas we flew back up to Utah to spend New Years with my family, and to redeem Chris's Christmas present to us...reservations for a night at the St. Regis at Deer Valley.   Thank you McKinsey and all those Starwood points Chris banked.    There wasn't much snow, so instead of snowshoeing like we planned, we just went on a little hike.  Then we mostly loved the pools and hot tub nestled in the mountains and forgot about the stress of starting a business and supporting a family on almost no income.  Theraputic.  Random fact: this hotel somehow puts a TV screen behind the mirror glass so as you're getting ready you don't have to turn your head to get CNN.  Completely unnecessary but kind of cool.
Hiking in Park City

Swimming. Mountains. St. Regis. Bliss

Is Esther's head really that big?
Seeing my family again was wonderful.  I've been missing them terribly lately and getting together makes me happy.   Now we're back in North Carolina and we're back to work, but we're re-energized and excited for what 2012 will bring.

Chris's "recording studio" for the website's how-to video .  Yes, he is under a down comforter.

Radio Flyer

Esther's first go on her Christmas present from Grandma and Grandpa.  She was a bit excited.