March 29, 2011

Deliciousness for Dinner

Chris and I had some yummy crepes from a suggestion I found online.

Buckwheat crepes (I would make them on the big side...more room for the filling)
Saute onions and mushrooms with a dash of salt (mushrooms tasty but optional)
Spinach (I chopped and lightly sauteed mine...but you don't have to)
chevre (I bought some imported French chevre from Costco for only $5)
Walnuts, coarsely chopped
Drizzle with honey (it may sound strange...but try it!)

Lay the crepe on a warm crepe pan or griddle.  Place all the filling on half of the crepe and fold in half.  Cook on both sides until heated and the cheese melts.  et voila!  Bon Apetit mes amis.


  1. YUM!!! I can't wait to try it. I would love the recipe for your Buckwheat crepes.

  2. Liz I love you! You are the cutest wife/mom ever! Buckwheat Crepes…seriously!? I'm proud when I make Spaghetti and green beans! Sounds so good though- wish I could cook like that 
